Amazon Jungle Gold Mining

We really encourage you to watch an episode of Jungle Gold.. you will be shocked. Not just at how dangerous it is for the local’s who are hired on a pittance to work long hard hours but on how devastating it is for the Rain Forest and environment! The quest for gold is destroying the Amazon (watch Jungle Gold), as well as Peru, the Arctic (watch Gold Rush and Bering Sea Gold), The Philippines, and many other ‘Third World’ countries. We never realized until watching, how much water is polluted in the process or how much earth has to be torn up and moved, for a few ounces of the shiny rock. It will really make you reconsider buying new gold. Better option? Recycle- pawn shops, estate sales and the like can net you unique and one of a kind gold that has been around for years. You wont be perpetuating the problem by buying new gold.

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